In astrology, it is associated with marriage, your spouse, and what you want in your family life. After this the father and son duo found themselves conquering the Iberian Peninsula. Intermediate Composite chart reading $55: -What planets are transiting you and the persons houses and how that may affect you both and the relationship, -includes the basics of the basic composite chart reading but with 10 aspects instead of 5, If you want to include some asteroids, its $2 more for an asteroid, -sun/saturn conjunction/square can indicate depression at some point. Byron also brought the idea of a flawed talent into the Romantic movement. you arent alone in period issues either - talk with your doctors! the sooner you report it, the more likely that justice can be served. For example, if the composite sun is in the 4th house, there is a need for security in the relationship. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. make a list of ideas as they arise. where constantia is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in virgo at 29 - give me loyalty or give me death (constantia conjunct mars - courtesy of my abandonment issues). i am really great at planning and making things work out, yet many people think i should do things that are lowkey something smaller or less helpful to the unit. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of these asteroids feel free to comment them or dm me! Creative projects are hard to breakthrough during this time. you may get overly anxious when things do not go as planned: medusa was out for water when poseidon appeared and everything spiraled out of control. medusa-algol: positive aspects: you may feel as though someone you dont know shows you a sign of mercy from the universe. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. sure thing, lets talk about it! #Marriage in astrology on Tumblr you, like medusa, may have a sudden realization that the foreign environment you are in no longer feels safe in because of bad press. trying one new thing a week - how do you know its the only thing that works if it took you this long to find it? lastly, you may have someone in your life you feel hates you. if it bothers you and they care about you, then it should bother them as well. say thank you or smile at the person who does something helpful or kind for you. The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. your asylum may not be as safe as you first perceive it to be. * Juno In aspect to the DC ruler (preferably conjunction/Trine/Sextile) Originally, Byron found fame glorious but later he did everything in his power to escape which included going into exile. it is likely due to a fear of what others think - i feel like asteroids namesake thought she was a monster and was afraid of what she had done to those she turned to stone, and that is the true reason she hid. i feel like i naturally repel religious people, people in a college setting, or even when i am out in the world on my own traveling. where einstein is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 16 - lol yes, this is conjunct educatio and yes, everyone in college comes to me when they need help. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus Native may suffer from divorce or more than 1 marriage. 6h: you may find you are rather particular about your routines. pluslets not forgetorbs matter, dominance matters, etc. you likely are quick to adapt to the situations at hand. RETROGRADEMAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! The midpoint between these two points is 20 in Gemini, so that is where the sun in our composite chart is placed. When Telemachus shipwrecks on Ogygia (Calypsos island), he meets the nymph, Eucharis. Theres a beauty in the spirit, wake it up and you will understand. paper cut. Chiron: aspects with Chiron can point to either healing in the relationship or a shaky foundation or damage in the relationship. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. This transit can also indicate a life long commitment, a merging of finances in a marriage or long term commitments is not easy work, but hard work doesnt go unnoticed so connect and collaborate. Here are different positions of Venus and Jupiter that foretell different qualities: Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. any creature comfort zones that involve you entering the space of another woman may be your thing - you may personally have experience in settings like those and wish to give back. plus i grew up being that kid that had to be told to go play with the other kids - i preferred talking to playing and adults to other children (yay childhood trauma pt1). thats enough from me. Free Online marriage prediction service gives you the most comprehensive matching and analysis, guide you how you and your marriage life partner stand on each and every parameter. you may participate in some sort of club that takes up a lot of your time - medusa participated in the worship group for athena. you may be viewed as different in a very harsh way that causes ostracizing and exile. Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. these people may also have an issue with blood - heavy periods, irregular periods, fear of blood, anemia, etc. you *might* experience a rape in which you find yourself with a child. others may find your temperament to be belligerent - you may take your emotions out on the undeserving. sun-jupiter, venus-jupiter (typically a trine), and mars-jupiter; i cant explain why its always this trio in the solar returns i am looking at - maybe its because sun is the male, jupiter is the husband, venus is passion, and mars is desire. i implore you to read the sun aspects to see what resonates! ex: just for one hour, when dinner is over, etc OR tell yourself you have to say hi to ___ before you can leave or set a number of people you want to say hello before dipping. For marriage astrology, Astrologers also look into the right date and time to get married, because getting married in certain bad timings and days can wreak havoc in married life. i dont like not knowing if a person is there to stay or not (it completely contradicts my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and even my sagittarius venus - astrology is very complex i dont discount the other placements and their possible meanings but for me this asteroid and its story makes complete sense). remember that medusa wasnt ugly - her look became an icon of protection. Florence Bascom was one of the first American geologists and professors to be a woman. Inter Caste Marriage Astrology - acharya raman kamra Actor enjoyed Peleus company so much so that he not only absolved him, but gave him a third of his kingdom. positive aspects: you may receive a lot of independence and freedom in your lifetime. you may not speak up for yourself all that often - she didnt even try to explain what happened with poseidon to athena. negative aspects: a feminine may be jealous or even paranoid over your presents around them. am i gonna die?, etc. you may find yourself being punished for the wrongdoings of this person. this could be an area in which you are insecure - feeling as though you need to be achieving things to be loved. medusas head was lobbed off by perseus and then used as a talisman to ward off evil. Bhva means sentiment or disposition. positive aspects: you may find security in a feminine group like medusa did at the temple of athena. Saturn in this very house gives a lot of wealth in old age and also popularity in villages or towns. you like may feel insecure as you grow older and change - you may cut yourself off from others. Your 7th house, its Lord, Nakshatra Lord of 7th house, its Pada help in prediction of future life partner. i dont get to you quicker with an ask - i actually get to you slower. number a list of things you want to do (all in your price range and capabilities) use a random number generator and go do what it lands on. einstein sextiles uranus after all so i feel like its as though everyone tends to know im rather smart (in this asteroids persona chart i have a 1h stellium) - i do articulate myself the best over technology though thats probably why i am more popular here than on tiktok or instagram or even in person. BUT let me set some boundaries because it is slightly frustrating me now that i have less time with senior year plus less details in asks. they likely have a harder time in school or learning something new, they may be the least likely to change things when they have found what works for them. she got a lot of hate for the change that was forced on her, but no one stopped to wonder if she was okay - no one questioned, is she scared? you are meant to be a leader. This can also make the relationship very individualistic, which can be good or bad. she wasnt trying to lure poseidon into athenas temple but that is what the goddess assumed. but no seriously its better to ask forgiveness than permission as they say. Can you make a post on your stance about retrograde planets? This is a difficult transit to work with, you can go through a death of a close family member or someone you idolized, and have difficulty with their assets and become responsible or liable in a way. it is deliberate - in some versions (not the version i believe) medusa willfully slept with poseidon in athenas worship hall. doesnt matter how far you fall you will always rise from the ashes - even in death she lived on. * Sun in 7th/10th If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. you may even find yourself saying things that others in your family have said when upset. Lord Byron was a leading man of the Romantic literary movement. Your soul is being taken into the court room with your higher calling, your time to reassess and heal the wounds and karmic debt is now. another point of medusas story that is emphasized is transformation. Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about. is it even more shocking that i have a 1h and 2h stellium in the persona chart? part of this may be divine intervention - if athena granted medusa, her most dedicated follower, the ability to recognize others intentions, she would have been extremely powerful and possibly a goddess on earth. ellie-mae-astrology: * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Jupiter in the 7th * Saturn 1st house . IN MY OPINION Lev tolstoj and/or alexejtolstoj in a chart can indicate a) your realistic point of view or how you write in terms of realism, b) where you may be seen as great, c) where you may not receive the prize for your incredible work though it is widely respected and loved, and/or d) where you may inspire political change. tzi is suspected to have eaten two hours before this death, to have been some sort of shepherd, and to have had a parasitic infection. if you think i go ham over astrology, you should see my crystal and geology textbooks (hella tabs and hella annotated). . you likely misconstrue the intentions and emotions of those around you - not everything is what it seems. i implore you to read the mercury aspects to see what resonates! my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. Fyodor Dostoevsky was a famous Russian writer. Key words: Revolution, reassessing, rebuilding, technology, science, socialism, togetherness, connections, organization, class consciousness, idealism. sadly, the spotlight you stand in may cause others to make assumptions about you and your intentions - nowhere near all are true. Pisces (Saturn transiting the 12th house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons in your life through the subconscious, dream state, sleeping, isolation, spiritual state, and sacrifice. and a 4h stellium in the persona chart greatttt (he was just trying to herd his sheep). they may have very odd dreams or feel as though they are incapable of dreaming (not true, everyone dreams but not everyone can remember what they dreamed). Astrological factors responsible for re marriage or second marriage in astrology. and feel free to skip over my reflections on my placements, i provided them because of how kissessinthe worded their question. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! Peleus arrived in Phthia in search of absolution for having killed his stepbrother, Phocus. Solar Return Reading (I love doing these) $40: -explaining each placement of your solar return like the planets and houses with signs. And much like the informal definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result - the two became linked. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Sun you may feel like fate has guided you somewhere, quite often into the spotlight in both good and bad ways. You may experience a reconstruction of your social circle, tightening up the standards of who you call a friend is essential so you dont find yourself being used for your resources, so struggling to create new friendships and finding yourself isolated is common during this time. where lova is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 6 - haha this is where it gets interesting. Denial of Marriage feeling unlucky? Suppose the 7th house Lord is in a dual sign, then the second marriage may occur.It must be understood that Dasha-Antardasha should support the second marriage astrology. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. after talking with the person who i needed to fix things with or getting the object mended - do i feel like this object/relationship was worth the time and energy expending? cancer - moon. you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. This is an important turning point in your life especially if it crosses over your Midheaven (MC) point, youre being called to prove your worth in society as an important asset through your abilities. the pain is often debilitating and leaves unmedicated women bedridden during their menstrual cycles. they carry the bulk of all burdens without realizing that they have become someones personal mule. you may find that people do not respect your sexuality or preferences - you may find yourself in a situation of rape similar to medusa. they may despise domestic life and homestead upkeep. prep a go-bag for your car, always have a weeks worth of food in case of an emergency, meal prep, check your expiration dates on medications you need to live, buy a generator, make sure you have a list of emergency contacts, pay attention to the weather, make sure you have gas in your car and air in your tires, TAKE CARE OF ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH YOU BEING STRANDED OR COULD LEAVE YOU STRANDED! you are someone who reacts - you like this famed gorgon would never go down without a fight. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: armstrong (6469)! if you have issues with blood you are not alone - i hate getting blood drawn (my recent trip to the ER, i needed an IV and the guy was like scared? medusa dedicated the majority of her life to athena and made sure the goddess felt respected and thus pleased. JUPITER: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four months. she was a dedicated worshipper of athena, but you need more options to flourish. The Carthaginian (present day Tunisia of North Africa) general, Hannibal, was considered one of the greatest commanders of antiquity. You might not have been or be in a relationship with them for long enough to fully see all the dynamics in action. if you tell a doctor and they refuse to test you or tell you your symptoms cant be that bad, THEY ARE GASLIGHTING YOU! A strict reassessment of your daily life and what you put into your body becomes heightened, a sense of redirecting energy into hard work and becoming more serious about what it is you do is important during this time. His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. be reasonable with your views - its okay if others do not agree with you.
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