I cant stand you!. Example: Hey, hows the form? Comes from the fact that some peoples cheeks go red with embarrassment. Example: Its so sad to see a shitehawk, but I have no money to spare. How ya getting on? That was shite can means that was rubbish. Grand This is used in Irish phrases instead of using the word okay. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. Meaning: (Noun) The word wagon is used as an offensive name for a woman. The TV is banjaxed simply means its not working. Quality, I see. Example: Continue with that behavior and Ill tell everyone youre a bollox! Meaning: (Expression) A grand aul day is an expression used in Ireland when the weather is perfect. Even more deadly slang that is unique to Ireland and the Irish. likely to wake up the next day with a bad hangover. Example: Hey, there, young fella. . Sound is also used to describe someone who is cool/alright. Example: Dont forget your raincoat and boots. Its definitely Irish slang once more. After that, we all returned to Sharons. Glad you enjoyed the post . I have visited more than 50 countries, as well as lots of towns and villages all around the world. or Ive never tried that before, but Ill definitely give it a lash. a favorite of mine. Example: hey, dawn! Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase bang on is used as a response when someone is asking how you are. Meaning: (Expression) Minus craic is an Irish expression that means a person, thing, or situation is boring. Add your Slang. For instance, She ultimately passed her exams. Not sure if it will help. Gas is used when someone or something is funny. sound out irish slang 05 Jun. Meaning: (Noun) Bollox is Irish slang for testicles. . Will you wait for me in this spot? C'mere 'til I tell ya 15. mobile app, chipper = Local greasy food stand where you can get French fries. Example: 'He's not feeling the best today, he was locked last night.'. Same as whats the story. For instance, That new pub on the corner is deaaaaadly!. The hostel were staying in is a kip and a half, for instance! Example: Where do you get this bizarre craic? See how hes pulling a beamer. Example: Feck, I forgot to charge my phone! Meaning: (Noun) Baked is another name for the mouth or face. One of the most famous Irish words is 'grand.' Unfortunately it has a multitude of meanings depending on context. Brit: A member of the British armed forces. For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. Irish mammies say this when children are not paying attention or dont hear them and implies there is enough dirt in their ears, preventing them from listening, to grow potatoes. For example, Mary says John bungee jumped in Costa Rica last week, to which Patrick, who would never do a bungee jump, responds fair play to him. Bang on. Here are a few Irish expressions that I frequently use. Faffing is the act of doing something but not actually doing it. Example: Its been a bad dose since morning. I hope youre only making it up. Be advised, the last section contains swear/curse/cuss words, so if you dont want to read them, skip the last section. Example: Story horse! Story horse? Sure look People might say sure look, itll be grand to respond to a question. No need to be embarrassed. Fair play! Meaning: (Noun) A chancer is a person who takes a chance on anything, especially when theres an opportunity for him or her to become successful. Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. Gaff The Irish slang word for house. Ever. It was definitely Colin, for instance. Example: Theres no place for a latchio here! Meaning: (Phrase) Having the craic means a person is ready to listen to the latest news of gossip. The Craic was 90 There's more than just one craic in Irish slang. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. Give me a shot. Thats sound! Howsagoin?! Depending on the circumstance, this one might be offensive. She only needed four years. This one, which is pronounced Ban-jacks-d, is also for someone who has overindulged significantly. Last night, after Foleys, I was in a hoop. Will I, yea? However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: Meaning: (Greeting) Hows she cutting is an expression used when you are overly excited upon seeing a friend. The weather is sunny. See what I did there! Example: Im glad to spend time with you this summer. Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. Good luck A different way of saying goodbye to someone. I would give him a solid kick up the hole if he were my own! To slag someone is to mock them. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ask any Irish person! Shes always giving out means shes always complaining or moaning. Hes a sad little bugger. I was raging I missed it means Im so disappointed I missed it. Irish Translator - Fun Translations Meaning: (Noun) An eejit is a person who acts stupid or is just a plain idiot. We listed all of them in alphabetical order and provided you with examples for each slang. I cant understand the news! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Meaning: (Expression) Give me a shot is one of the most common Irish phrases youll hear when youre in Ireland. I still cant believe we won that game, for instance. Leg it means to move quickly. Meaning: (Adjective) Flutered is used to describe a person who is drunk. The "Craic" Pronounced like 'crack, this actually means just having a good time and enjoying oneself. Meaning: (Noun) Ciotog is Irish Gaelic for left-handed people. Just substitute drunk in hes drunk or I was drunk with one of the following words: These Irish words and phrases include swear words or insults. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. He is an absolute melter. Bad dose. Or to tell someone to get sense about something. If you hear this, prepare for a long story about someone else and it is guaranteed to include some secrets or gossip about the person being discussed. This one is typically used the morning following a strenuous session to explain why your head is pounding. It was completely lacking in fun. . Shes a terrible wagon. . Give it a lash has many different applications. Keep doing that and youll be a pro in no time. In Ireland, we discuss the weather a lot. There is no way I would wait there for a bus. For instance, All those guys do is sit around and play Xbox. They are two dryshitters. At my previous job, I shared a building with about 250 individuals representing 34 nations. You could say, Here, pass me that yoke there on the counter, or you could call someone annoying, That yoke over there.. For the benefit of any American readers, let me clarify that when we say Craic in Ireland, we dont mean either the substance you smoke on a street corner or the crack in your arse. This article is the combined work of four writers: Sorcha OHiggins, Tara Povey, Sarah Arnold, and Niall Colbert. Cop on to yourself Used to tell someone to pull themselves together. Ribena is a blackcurrant dilutable very popular in Ireland. All of these Irish slang words can be used to describe someone who is drunk. Say, Theres your change, for instance. Yes, savage is also slang for good in Ireland. My stomach hurts so badly. Taking the piss People say someone was taking the piss when they mean they were either being silly/stupid or they are teasing you. Learn more? It is often used vulgarly, but can also be used in day-to-day conversations. Hes a slievene means hes a sneaky so-and-so. This term is used for an acquaintance and even for your father. Feck/Friggin/Flippin All stem from fuck and are a lesser harsh version. Meaning: A scoldingExample of usage and translation: He spent the whole evening drinking at the pub. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish lingo, feck is the f word, which is a funny way of saying it. Example: You gowl! Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase out of your tree is used when a person is severely drunk that he or she will most likely have a hangover the following day. On me tod People use this Irish slang phrase to let others know they were alone when doing something or going somewhere. Shes right on or Last week, I fixed the bike in Riordains yard. It was spot on and only cost ten pounds. Meaning: (Phrase) The Irish phrase be wide is what the locals used to tell a person to be careful. In Ireland, we use the adjective deadly to describe excellent or fantastic things. Irish Phrases - Funny Irish Sayings & Slang | Vagabond Tours Funny phrases Irish use that Americans don't Lousy / scanty / minge-y : Being mean / unkind (Particularly for no reason or towards a worse of individual) Gasping : Thirsty (rather than the actual meaning of being short of breath) Class ; Very good. Lazy person is the correct translation. A lot of the time, when Im speaking to someone who isnt Irish, I forget that the words Im using are actually slang. Hes a shnakey little shitehawk, that man. She has fluted. It even includes a guide to reading between the lines of what the Irish are really saying when they address you read it carefully! Shed talk the hind legs off a donkey This girl/woman is a right chatterbox, never stops talking. Sound person. Meaning: He is very chatty / He can talk at lengthExample of usage and translation: God yer one would talk the hind legs off a donkey = That girl would bore you to death with her incessant talk, Meaning: To kiss someone passionatelyExample of usage and translation: My mouth is red raw, he was scoring the face off me for hours at Coppers = I have sandpapered my skin off my passionately kissing someone for hours in the local meat market. If she thinks five is not enough, shell repeat it. Example: Why are going out with a midden? For instance, Did you hear Bernie and Martins youngster cheated on the Garda exam. That young man is the Gobdaw, if there ever was one. When someone says Sure look in response to your question while you are conversing, they usually mean it is what it is. Nevertheless, it might also mean that the person youre speaking to is either uninterested in what youre saying or is unsure of how to react. Note: A lie. This Irish expression is used to request that someone wait for you or to pause what you are saying. Example: We were hammered last night, but I loved every minute of it! Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. Meaning: (Expression) Go and bollox is the Irish way of saying you are not agreeing with what a person is saying to you. He spends his day traveling between the bookies and the pub, for instance. Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish person says fine, he or she is referring to a beautiful person, thing, or place. For instance, Please let me know he canceled training. The outside is rotten. It can be subsitited for ah feck but not around little ears! During my time in school, I used, and you can hear this one used. So, to have a bad dose means to have a bad case of the flu or a cold. Meaning: (Noun) A pox is a slang used in Ireland for a person who causes nuisance. Slagging This Irish term means teasing someone or means insulting someone behind their backs. Example: Hurry, theres a peeler heading our way. Irish slang is a rich verbal tradition rooted in the hard and hearty struggles of the Irish people, who are predominantly Celtic in ethnicity. I need a barrel of Soudafed, for instance. For instance, How are you doing, hey? Youre coming out later for a few beers, right? There is not one Irish person I dont know that doesnt utter this at least once after the clocks have changed. It wasnt until after I used it in a sentence and a friend from the UK commented that he didnt understand what I was talking about when we first met. After more than 400 comments, the following guide was created. Example: Hey, young wan! Shes away with the fairies An Irish expression used to describe someone who is living in their own little bubble (la la land) or isnt all there. Culchie/Langer These are terms that usually refer to someone to who lives down the country and isnt a Dub. Take a look below! Thank you. Im in a hurry, so lets talk soon! Example: You are a fine young lady, so dont let any man break your heart. Give me a try is an additional option. Such as, Story horse?! Here are some more typical expressions using Irish slang words, from "the messages" to "jammy." The letters For some strange reason, "the shopping" or "the groceries" are referred to as "the messages" in Ireland. Meaning: (Greeting) This Irish greeting is often used when a person comes home from the pub. Example: Youre acting like a goon! I got tickets to the Aslan concert, for instance. Meaning: Youre a disgraceExample of usage and translation: Oh my god, she was an absolute state. Example: Let me see the video again. Dont get confused with it being a person, for locals are always using this term. Impress your friends with your new accent. You threw away all the important documents! Example: Its spitting outside but it might rain harder, so dont forget your umbrella. Meaning: (Noun) The word beour is Irish slang for an attractive girl. Translated: A stroll. 31 Things that might surprise you, Exactly What to Pack for Ireland in April Clothes, essentials and more. Janie (mac) An expression to denote shock or exasperation. Meaning: (Noun) The word mucker is used as another name for a friend. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear This is a common phrase youll hear older Irish people sayings which implies you cannot make something good from something that is naturally bad. Did I mess up? If you fall and break your legs, dont come running to me! I havent seen Tony in donkeys years, for instance. Example: Get away from that sleeveen! Whats the story? Did you see what she posted on Facebook? is an illustration. During a trip to Northern Ireland, where we visited way too many pubs, I frequently heard the word cracking used. It might still be long, just a slightly shorter version of the whole story. 20. Meaning: (Noun) A hallion is a person who is worthless. In this case it is a vague answer of itll be ok. Up to 90 If you hear someone say she was up to 90 it usually means the person was busy or run ragged doing things. Youre jammy to find it again. A person who is having the craic is having fun, as in Ah, man, Im dying. We returned from the pub at 2:00, but we continued to have fun until 7:00. I laughed until my belly hurt! Someone having notions may think they are better than others or their situation is better than it actually is (whether they realise it or not). Whether it actually cures the hangover is up for debate. This Irish slang has been used for years. Example: All she does is show meaningless videos. The Black Stuff What locals call a pint of Guinness. He might act like a bollox, but he's sound out really. Young men and women are frequently referred to as youngfellas and youngwans, respectively. Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station?" = "Oh my god, she was a disgrace. It is pelting down. Meaning: Stop acting upNote: Most often said by ones mother, it basically means stop doing what youre doing right now, or suffer the consequences. Meaning: (Verb) Faffing is used by Irish people when a person is pretending to do something or acting like he or she is doing something but with no half measures. Learning the most commonly used Irish slang words and phrases can significantly improve your chances of blending in with the community in an instant. , It is referred to as a yoke to describe the object. Example: Shell never find a man. It can mean someone is an idiot, a bit silly or just plain stupid. For instance, He had three bottles of Coke and a bag of Skittles an hour ago; hes been on high doh ever since.. Im Scots and so much (maybe 70% ?) Although Ireland became a country that spoke English as its primary language around the turn of the 19th century, the English that is spoken there differs significantly from the original. If youre unfamiliar with the terms, Bollox or Bollocks refer to a mans testicles in slang. Irish Slang. How to understand Irish people's secret | by Caroline Youll often hear Irish mammies say ah feck instead of the f-word around kids. . Example: I was locked last night and cant remember how I got home. Its complete shite. Example: Dont be such a pox. Ask me arse Usually said to someone in response to a question to do something. Hewya, me auld segotias An old Irish way of saying hi my friend. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyones breath away. Or a little shady. I dont know, but it sounds like some Irish slang Ive heard my entire life. Cant stop, Im sorry. Shite Meaning shit, rubbish or pants. Meaning: (Adjective) Gobshite is used to describe an incompetent person. 50+ Best Irish Slang Words And Phrases To Try Out - Ling App Example: I heard he turned in to a skanger. used to describe a bothersome person. Example: If we want to arrive on time, we need to leg it. Top 20 mad Northern Irish phrases that only make sense to locals Meaning: (Expression) The term Its spitting is used when there is light rain. For instance, use your umbrella to Gway out of that. Its a grand day for drying This term is used to describe a day in which you can hang your clothes out on the washing line and get them dry. Its manky! Meaning: A messExample of usage and translation: Me hairs all over the shop = My hair is a mess. My stomach thinks my throats been cut An Irish slang phrase to indicate you are hungry. It means good.. When referring to someone whose name you do not know or who you do not like, the phrase Yer wan or Your one is used. Depending on the county, greetings tend to differ quite a bit. The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. 600+ Fun, Interesting Irish Slang Terms | Thought Catalog Dose Means a case of illness. 5863 , 65-70: Irish slang and expressions for addressing people Irish Slang Words, 7179: Irish slang for excellent Irish Slang Words, 15 BEST Castles In Ireland 2023 (with Photos), 8087: Irish slang for intoxicated Irish Slang Words, 88-89: Irish slang for a woman or girl Irish Slang Words, Ive never heard of the Irish slang between 90 and 93 Irish Slang Words, Slang from Belfast, 94101 Irish Slang Words. Most frequently, it is used in response to the questions Hows it going and How are you feeling? How are you doing today? For example, its bloody freezing means it is really, really cold. Boking/boke/boked - not the most pleasant thing 15. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish slang words, the term eat the head off is used when someone is furious with another person. . In reality, it can describe anything. 125 Irish Slang Words and Phrases to Sound Like a True Local This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Example: This party is dryshite. The jacks is also. Example: Yer man here needs a bottle of beer. The radio is not audible to me. Example: I need to grab the messages. This Irish proverb seemed to make perfect sense to me, but apparently not. Example: Why dont we go on dander and have a picnic? A place where members can be honest with each other, share their stories and travel photos, and try out a new way to see Ireland together. Example: Should we bring a sanger to avoid getting hungry while on the trip? Meaning: (Expression) The expression good woman is an exclamation used when a person is surprised or in disbelief. This expression means that he or she is truly and deeply thankful for the help he or she received. . I clipped the wing mirror off the pillar yesterday, as an illustration. Its often called squash or cordial in other countries. For instance, Mrs. Meaning: He is an idiotExplanation: The proper way to pronounce idiot in Ireland.Note: In Nothern Ireland, youll hear the insult Buck eejit, which means just about the same thing. The more frequent, everyday Irish sayings and phrases that frequently appear in conversation are covered in the following section. . When something (or someone) is not functioning properly, it is said to be broken. Example: Where did you get these eggs, you glunterpeck? Gobshite An Irish slang word for fool, eejit, stupid person. Meaning: (Adjective) Mouldy or mullered is a term mostly used in Drogheda, Ireland, and is used to describe a drunk person. This is yet another kissing-related Irish expression. We like her! We use the same turns of phrase a lot apparently, mind you Im in Dundee which had a huge Irish influx in the 18th & 19th centuries. Irish Slang Archives - Lets Learn Slang Donkeys years Used to refer to a very long time. She might get upset even if its only a joke. Grand (an iconic bit of Irish slang) Grand means OK. You'll hear it most commonly used as a response to, 'How's it going'/'How are you feeling?'/'How are you today?'. I legged it for the bus means I ran for the bus. 101 Irish Slang Words Locals Use in 2023 - The Irish Road Trip Meaning: (Phrase) In bits is when a person is describing something bad that happened to him or her. 80+ Hilarious Irish Slang Words and Phrases and their Meanings Required fields are marked *. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. This is said often in my area of Dublin as a bit of humour. Meaning: (Noun) The term bog is an Irish word for people of the lowest class. Going on the lash Means going on a pub crawl, going for as many alcoholic drinks it takes to get drunk. Example:Friend 1: Did you take out the trash? Example: The craic was 90 at your birthday party last night! First, you can use this to ask someone to come near you because he or she wants to say something to you. It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. I am not familiar with any books. Leave a door open unnecessarily in an Irish house and youll hear this expression coming your way. Youve been warned! 31 Irish Slang Terms You Should Know - Mental Floss Where's the jacks? The weather is wet. I frequently use this one. That lad keeps texting me, for instance. For instance, Hes banjxxed, sure hes been on the pints all day..
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