On Election Day, voters must take a leap. WebIts important to accurately estimate the time and resources you have available, as well as the importance of each task. A majority also say that honesty (81%) and competence (77%) are very important qualitiesfor a president to have. A patriotic president is someone who connects the people to the unifying core ideals of faith, family, and country. The 45th American president isa"grotesque" according tohistorian David McCullough, an unamerican-like autocrat who is demented, unempathetic, unbalanced, and according to Washington, D.C. mayor "unhinged.". Applicants are asked questions like Tell us about a conflict at work you helped resolve and Whats the biggest obstacle you overcame? The qualities employers are seeking are the same ones voters should be looking for in presidential candidates: initiative, experience, creativity, and problem solving. Great teeth. What to Look for in a President They are concerned with doing what is right and to fulfill a duty. Christian lawyers. In this, American patriotism is a special sense of loyalty and pride in our country, not simply because it is our country, but because it is a country worthy of loyalty and pride. He was so invested in his beliefs that he didnt allow anything to get in the way of his career as a political leadereven a crippling illness. If a president cannot demonstrate true loyalty to the Creator first, by at the very least supporting basic moral, spiritual, and biblical values, it is sure that he will also be disloyal to the people in their ultimate needs and betray the country at critical moments. But it is absolute that a president must exert great effort to continually grow personally and spiritually while he is in office. All rights reserved. Web2. What are the best ways to size up our presidential candidates? Remaining open at critical moments that require strategic maneuvering can literally make all the difference in the outcome of national and world affairs. Whatever your political party, and whatever your stance on President Barack Obama in the Whitehouse, you have to admit the man can keep his cool in a tense situation. There are two kinds of people who get into politics: one who uses people to accumulate power to himself, and the other is he who uses power to create quality of life for the people. But believe it or not,Democrats and Republicans are somewhat aligned ontheleadership qualitytheymostwant in a president: taking responsibility. Presidential campaigns are fantastical places. Good leaders know the importance of fostering a healthy cognitive and emotional culture, in which individuals feel safe in saying how they feel and expressing their views, without stigma or shame. In so doing, he does not allow himself to get cornered by political correctness. "Talk straight" and honestly to the American people; 2. He measures, and then sets the whole course of action for the country to follow in order for it to get better in all areas. WebAmerican presidents should demonstrate and utilize the behaviors/traits which measure their character and competence: 1. Demonstrate your respect and trust for the American people; 3. Our patriotism is a fundamental love for America and belief in her inherent goodness and place of exceptionalism in the world. He deeply empathizes with the people, and in that empathy he will see the underlying realities to the problems that face them and the country, as well as the steps needed to bring about permanent solution. True experience is not measured by merely being in a particular position over a period of time, as anybody can occupy a job in an undistinguished fashion. Today campaigning isnt an interruption but a permanent condition. This openness is the only safeguard against his office from being mentally and intellectually hijacked or hindered. Social awareness allows an individual to know about certain problems within society, while compassion motivates one to act forcefully and effectively on behalf of the people affected by these problems. Ability to learn from the past. As a leader, its important to make sure we create an environment of being WebThe focus of this lesson is on the executive branch of the philippine government, specifically on the chief executive also called the president. If the people allow the Government to take away their first freedom as enumerated in the First Amendment, eventually they will lose all their freedoms. With the presidential primaries and election looming in 2020, there will be plenty of pundits, analysts and writers talking about the candidates, and debating which ones will most likely make the best leaders. In the end, searching for the answers should help bring the candidates into somewhat clearer focus. With keen insight he is able to apply a certain skillful knowledge of what to do in each particular situation. A good president understands that he (she) is the head of the state. Being clear about what needs to be done and concisely expressing business visions and goals is vital for effective leadership. Be honest about when and what you can deliver, and make A president who is vision driven uses his office as a means to communicate to the people the most positive and abundant agendas for the people. In the wake of Presidents Day, we examined which traits can be used to advance your career. Amanda Augustine emphasizes that job seekers stay persistent in their pursuit for a position, advising to harness the power of three: Apply to jobs, engage in recruiter activity, and utilize your social and professional networks, Charisma In this, he will falter before beggarly elements, as this unnatural influence is inconsistent with arriving at the truth or best outcome. In a world where good and evil plainly co-exist, courage is essential because every force of evil along the spectrum of human affairs is increasingly wearing down the moral and spiritual strength of the people and the country. Candidates are so guarded, the hiring committee would have little to go on. Hell need a majority in Congress if he wants to follow through on this promise. He has a mind that is trained to know truth and apportion it accurately according to authentic needs. The President must have inspirational qualities if he is going to energize the American people to live into the dream that is America, as well as provide the impetus for the structural change needed to help make the American dream more of an accessible reality than a theoretical concept. His opponents point this out as if thats all you need to know to disqualify him. You have to be a good communicator if you actually want your followers to trust you fully. It is through the heart and soul of a natural leader that the people are touched in real terms and connected to their President. John F Kennedy. What constitutes natural rights is that they are given by God, and cannot be taken away by Government. Therefore, an effective president will take time and learn as much as he can about these disciplines. But its not enough for a president merely to have a position. But simply asking How? puts us in a better position to evaluate his theoretical presidency. About three-quarters ofTrumpssupporters say he has competence (76%) and 67 percent say Trump takes responsibility. A bloated government will typically misappropriate the national treasury because the greater the separation between he who earns the money and he who spends the money will cause a greater separation in how efficiently the money is spent. Wisdom is a great guardian of office governing, because wisdom applied to lifes most difficult situations literally saves untold amounts of time, money, and life. Isnt one of these more important than the other? When problem solving is attempted through political maneuvering rather than practical application, disaster follows. Mr. Roosevelt was diagnosed with polio in 1921 at age 39. Excellence is the first source of useful experience. Quayle was articulating the common modern viewratified by votersthat being a gifted campaigner was the more important quality. America does not need continuous change so much as she needs continuous growth. Responsibility When asking what makes a good leader, the importance of this trait cannot be undermined. A president and his administrations fiscal efficiency is not based on how little is spent, but how much is created by what is spent. These attributes, unlike the vaporous leadership mantle, are more measurable qualities. He motivates and instructs the people to overcome the obstacles and resistanceboth internally and externally- that are set against him. It was a courageous generation that brought America into existence, and it will take future generations of courageous Americans to uphold the countrys greatness. Unchecked inefficiencies and practices will hamper growth. If a president is tethered to the ideas and thoughts of his party constituents that may seek to control him, he will lose his ability to be objective and vigorously open-minded on any particular issue. According to a well-known study of presidential character, some common leadership qualities that successful U.S. presidents appear to have in common are the following: The lists have varied over the years, and historians hesitate to include recent presidents because, well, theyre historians and want them to have more of a track record to go by. Additionally, when leaders routinely expose themselves to candid feedback, it makes it easier for employees to do the same. A great president and wise Congress understand that the capital used by the government comes from the fruit of the peoples labors, and therefore they must use that capital in such a way that helps foster a true quality of life return for the people. Rather than testing for leadership, we should recognize that leadership is actually the sum of these four attributesand probably a few more. WebConfidence. Presidential Quotes about God in America Leaders that are not self-aware make decisions and behave in ways that can lead to undesirable or negative consequences. Honesty is the fundamental trait a president should possess. Spiritually True (Active, Strong Faith) How are they with uncertainty? Ultimately, it is a presidents personableness and warmth that emanates from their soul that people most easily connect to, and identify with. However, he must be determined to win friends and influence people by firstly making sure that he is on the right side of God and history in matters of importance, and secondly by tenaciously making sure that he is heard on real terms by real people in a whole way. No liberty is currently under greater assault than our religious freedoms. "Right wrongs" i.e. Typically, a leader who lacks reasonableness also lacks warmth, and has an underlying unhealthy personality that leaves a trail of ruination because he will inevitably put politics and personal gain above the peoples interests. In other words, they model the same behavior they expect from their teams. In 1992, after Bill Clinton beat George Bush, Dan Quayle said, If he governs as well as he campaigned, the country will be all right. Republicans had argued Clintons character faults disqualified him from office. WebA majority also say that honesty (81%) and competence (77%) are very important qualities for a president to have. Campaigns focus on one opponent, but a president, even if he wants to go on the attack, never has just one jaw to swing at. In order for a society to be healthy and stable, it must first place a premium on character, for without character it is impossible for society to function in a healthy manner since every interaction within society, to some degree or another, is dependent on the character of its people. Courage precedes greatness, because greatness demands the strength to overcome the incessant competition against it. The world is becoming more complex by the day, and so are its problems. Conflict / Dealing with Difficult Conversations, well-known study of presidential character, An ability to put their own times in the perspective of history. Today the world is more destabilized, dangerous, and complex than at any time in history. A president who is a true environmentalist has a holistic understanding of the environment, and is not given to pseudo-science, special interests, or political correctness when it comes to issues specific to the environment. The greatest American presidents all had a clear understanding of God, and in times of national importance they consistently directed the nation toward the light. Powerful leaders allow different views to be presented and shared, and know that disagreements can open pathways to innovation and higher-performing teams. A socially unaware or dispassionate president may still accomplish much, but he will have missed what would have made him special, which is social compassionone of the most fundamental elements of the Gospel. They will be putting their trust in someone who cannot deliver in real terms and who is destined to fall short of the gold standard of American presidents. Deliver results - i.e. Would any president? American politics need to be far more bipartisan in order to be healthy. We shouldnt let politicians get away with asserting they have this magical ability when we can bore down a little deeper to see whether they have these necessary and underlying traits. He has executed this campaign.. Leaders with high levels of self-awareness can consciously influence situations and positively affect their teams. Web9. How will he manage that and take on repealing health care? Gen. George Patton or Mahatma Gandhi? It is a principle of personal spending that the more effort that one puts in the making of their money, the less likely they will waste that money, conversely the less effort one puts in the making of their money, the more likely they will waste that money. Companies such as McDonalds and Target do this even at the junior levels. Republicansseem tovalue strength(76% percent say its important), and Democrats valuehonesty (81%) and competence (77%). Among his supporters,President Donald Trump projects strength. An unpatriotic president will ultimately undermine the entire country in pursuit of their personal political causes (even the legitimate ones) because they dont first love the broader vision of American more than they love their own limited vision of political ideology. Find out team members current challenges and try to give feedback and encouragement so they will grow and do better. Its a much calmer approach, and everyone in question will react more favorably than if you were to hurl a couple of poorly prepared insults. An American president is truly the peoples President because he belongs to none other. Social issues, on the other hand, often relate to special interests, trends, and movements situations that include individual behavior, free will, and personal responsibility within a social context. A president of passion finds the truth, lays hold of the truth, and leads the country in that truth. The cornerstone of understanding American freedom is that it exists within a context of purposeful living that supports life, liberty, and happiness. Confrontreality head on and tell the truth totheAmericanpeople; 9. Lyndon Johnson crushed Barry Goldwater in 1964 in part because of his attention to the minutia of the contest. This series will look at the qualities a president actually needs to do the job as a way to better test for them during a presidential campaign. Why America Does Not Have Enough High Quality Leaders, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Why America Does Not Have Enough High Quality Leaders, 4 Historical Facts of the Founding Period, Scriptural Rationale for Prayer and Fasting. A president that protects natural rights will promote the greatest safeguard to a just, free, and orderly society because the people will be protected according to the highest purpose of the creator for man- the right and ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness (see John 10:10). WebA leader must have integrity. Must be natural born citizen. Such a president is likely to be taken advantage of by a whole variety of entities and people that are smarter and more cunning than he is, but that are not as ethical. They do. A good leader of a country respects the constitution, It is time that the concept of servant-leader is emphasized in America again when it comes to our elected officials. Character relates to the solidity of the virtue, faith, and goodness at the core of an individual. before you proceed with the lesson, list The goal of a true leader and great President, when it comes to his gathering of source information, is to arrive at the truth in all matters of consequence concerning the governance and life of the nation, and to practically apply that truth in the appropriate policiesregardless of party loyalties and pressure from other interests. Protecting the environment is of equal importance in the long run with providing for the common defense, because the polluting and destroying of our environment- which man has continuously and definitively proven to do- ultimately affects the same ends as a hostile insurgency. Most presidents were white male Protestant. It is said a president that will harmonize with any citizen who is reasonable and good, and whose positive energy will displace the animus which so often charges the air in politics will have no energy to fool it. He thinks the head office in D.C. is out of touch with customers. A creative president is someone who will lead in a movement of national renewal, because creativity militates against stagnation. Creativity closes the distance between various competing ideas between parties and within parties. But unlike the mindless speculation over who will get the nod to be a candidates running mate, at least thinking about these is not completely useless. Do they know how to read public opinion? The real question should be, Is an individuals creativity consistent with the first principles of life and government? It is that distinction of creativity that enables a leader to access the full spectrum of social, political, and economic genius. Most sitting presidents, almost by definition, have been skilled on the campaign trail. The way a leader responds in one set of circumstances is a good way of knowing how they will respond in a similar set of circumstances. Mitt Romney has been running for president for six years. There is no training for the Oval Office. The concept of America as a Christian nation has been supported by both Republicans and Democrats throughout history in the context of advancing social justice issues. Flexible Even when a secular leader seems solid for a time, sooner or later his lack of spiritual preparedness will show forth. But theres no doubt theyd be horrified by the modern presidential campaign. Methodology: The Yahoo! It is important to realize that governments are run by men and not by angels. No presidential candidate or President will ever be near perfecttrue greatness comes when human preparation meets grace. Governing requires cooperation, compromise, and negotiation. In fact, without people of good character, the world would degenerate into an unimaginable hell, as everything would have to come under constant evaluation and suspicion. A smart president will save the country from astronomical amounts of chaos, waste, and stupidity because he acts according to first principles and true design. According to recent research from Elizabeth This is because what strengthens the whole also strengthens the parts- when these parts are properly connected; and what strengthens the parts also benefits the whole because the whole is dependent on the parts. There is no faking these times, a president is either integrated with the peoples hopes and dreams or he is not. A president who is an independent thinker is open to all the brilliance and talent for the benefit of the nation that can be accessed from every credible source that is available from within the nation, regardless of its political or social origins. Creative Knowledgeable The first reality that any intelligent and enlightened man should know before even running for the office of the Presidency is that the job is essentially an impossible one, and is so beyond him, and that without humility which attracts the aid of the heavens- he will entirely be overwhelmed and rendered ineffective. "Talk straight" and honestly to the American people; 2. The most important right to protect is that of spiritual and religious freedom. The world and society are stuck in the same rut of dysfunctional behavior because the true knowledge about health, life, inspiration, and spiritual principle, are not applied to governance- issues such as healthcare, the economy, education, defense, etc. Or is he an ideologue? The margin of error for the entire sample is 3.3%. A smart president therefore comprehends what is happening in and around him and with the country. Creativity in and of itself connotes positive, useful action, and therefore encompasses both spiritual and natural talent and knowledge. Presidents must be open to new solutions. A patriotic president is someone who truly loves America; he feels the honor and purity of our nations ideals deep within his being. Please share your comments or stories below. The same degree of limited information and knowledge produces the same level of inefficient and unproductive responses. The true quality of being Progressive does not reflect todays pseudo-Progressivism, but refers to the progressivism and enlightenment of the scriptures and the working philosophy of the founding fathers. Web1. Commitment Progressive (Committed to Growth) A president that does not understand the necessity of effective teamwork, or does not put forth the effort to establish it, will quickly become overwhelmed and remain limited. The Founders understanding of natural rights and civil liberties can be summarized in the following three points: Passionate Hell also be facing the fiscal cliffan immediate bewildering thicket of tax cuts and spending reductions. Next time you feel the need to lash out at someone in your job search or career even if you feel justified to do sotry cracking a joke at the situations expense instead. Thats important in order to learn what a candidate believes, to see if he can set priorities, and to judge whether he has the candor to say it out loud. Its important for leaders to be aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, tendencies, preferences and other personality traits, because these characteristics have a significant impact on how they behave and interact with others. Al Gore once suggested that running for president was like a job interview. Looking at Biden supporters, 78 percent say that the former vice president takes responsibility, while 74 percent believe he is honest and competent. 1. Bill Clinton testified on his behalf: If you have any doubt about Senator Obamas ability to be the chief executive,Clinton said at one of Obamas vast rallies in October 2008, just look at all of you. On the contrary, it was set up to protect people who live according to natural and spiritual law. Scripture for Rulers Personable Even seemingly harmless fibslike if you claim to be fluent in Spanish but youre actually just semi-conversationalwill likely show themselves sooner than you think. Communication is one of the most important qualities of a good leader. Keep your oral and written commitments to the American people; 12. There are 12 individualtraits and behaviorsevery American president should possessto be the nation's Commander in Chief. You can have inspirational quotes and company values framed on the wall all you want, but modeled behavior will always be more effective. They also strengthen relationships, build trust, improve teamwork and show employees that they care. Creative brilliance is not often associated with the presidency, but innovation combined with a sense of artistry and craftsmanship is precisely what is needed to throw off the old limitations of stale leadership that we have become accustomed to in our time. Ability to Communicate. Good leaders know the importance of fostering a. As a leading influence on the economy, the President has the responsibility and the opportunity to ensure that the peoples money is spent on what is truly productive and consistent with the spiritual laws of increase, which means that any money spent in the name of progress that does not promote systemic improvement and sustainability is money that is ultimately wasted. Therefore if a leader is highly creative as well as ethical, no traditional definition of him will be adequate to describe him, and a new, more enlightened one will evolve one that is positive and expansive, rather than negative and contracting. A truly smart person has a combination of intelligence, common sense, and spiritual discernment. At the heart of our company is a global online community, where millions of people and thousands of political, cultural and commercial organizations engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviors and brands. When Barack Obama was asked about his lack of executive experience in 2008, he pointed to his successful campaign as proof he could manage the presidency. Respect. Emotions, both positive and negative, are a fundamental part of who we are, and ignoring or suppressing them is harmful. A truly compassionate president is one who has the drive to act above politics and political correctness and to meet the people at the point of their true, natural needs. tell only a fraction of who they are or what they are capable of. The word leadership in presidential politics only distracts or obscures. 1. A holistic person is one who views life according to its true unified and comprehensive nature. Characteristics. American virtue runs through his veins and the national legacy soars in his mind. They want you to assume that a leader can get anything done. Roosevelt continued on to serve as the Governor of New York from 1929-1932, and served a record four terms as President of the United States. He cannot allow the agenda of a biased media, close minded political opposition, or an insincere portion of the populace to dictate to the rest of the country their narrative on who he is or what he is actually saying. It depends on the circumstance. Each man proved to the American people that he was right for the job, and tried to continually showcase his best traits. 6 Roles of a President Confidence is the mother of all the other attributes that makes a successful presentation. It does the country no good for compromises between the two parties when one or both parties have fundamental character flaws leading to a resistance of truth and excellence. Empathy is the ability to listen to other points of views as an American president; 11. Sort of. Strong in Character President Donald Trump possessesnone of these fundamental and necessary behaviors, characteristics, qualities, traits, etc. For 85 percent of Democrats,and 80 percent of Republicans,the ability to take responsibility is very important, which makes it the top characteristic for members of both parties. Today the kind of people who get into politics often do so not because they predominantly have the peoples best interests at heart, or have something highly beneficial to contribute to the nation, but because they wish to exercise authority over people, and are on their own ego trips- wishing to contribute to their own coffers. Maybe there is a better way to evaluate our presidential candidates, and come to more reliable conclusions about which ones are likely to have the skills actually required for the job. Get the latest updates so you can get involved! Leadership. Democratsalso tend to value empathy(69%vs. 48%)more highly than Republicans. It is flexibility coupled with spiritual perception that provides a great president the ability to leverage maximum strength at every moment and from every position. No greater preparation can a man have for the highest office in the land than to have been battle-tested and to have been found an overcomer and warrior in the realm of spiritual warfare. The goal is to help us better think about the qualities these presidential candidates may actually need once in office. Can they recognize baloney when it comes from their staff or supporters? In 1974, Jimmy Carter was such a political unknown that no one on the game show Whats My Line recognized him. Effective communication is important, but it requires more than just a basic oral or written transaction between two people. By understanding the principles of life and health, he will be able to direct the nation in paths that are sustainable and truly productive. The essence of communication for a president is a driving desire to connect with the American people, as well as other leaders in a profound and clear way. Franklin D. Roosevelt may have been one of the most dedicated politicians of all time. Conversely, a president who lacks knowledge will often choose cabinet members who also lack knowledge, thereby guaranteeing a recycling of flawed strategy and policy. Patriotic By Robin Mamlet and Sheila Murphy. He binds them to the beautiful and lofty values and virtues that befit our nation. As far as the job market goes, theres no better way to kiss a position goodbye than if you lie on your resume. A truly progressive leader is going to at once conserve that which is essential to be conserved, while always seeking to improve upon all aspects of American life. An inspirational president will help create the necessary conditions that will once again foster a sense of pride in America. The usual proposed remedy for the sorry state of our presidential campaigns is more focus on the issues. This reality becomes apparent when one is able to see in real terms the loss of human health, life, and potential that is directly related to a corrupted, polluted environment. 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