Information they need to have: Please be advised that restricted or limited hours of operation may occur during exam periods, maintenance periods, and holiday closures. If you have any Concussion concerns, please reach out to the Rec Program Student Leader and the Wellness Centre on campus to book an appointment with a doctor for review. The login is your student number and LORIS password. $8 flat fee per child, per day. This includes: partnering and working closely with the Students' Union and the Graduate Students' Association to invest in capital facility projects and program enhancements to enhance the Athletics and Recreation programs and services; the creation and implementation of the Golden Hawk brand logo; the first one hour weekly radio news program in Canada dedicated to a university Athletics program "Laurier Hawk Talk"; the first in Canada to show video highlights of Golden Hawk games on the web and the first university Athletic Department in Canada to stream games live on the internet with the creation of "Laurier Hawk TV". Prior to participating in any sanctioned Extramural activity, all athletes must first register through ourRegistrationportal. Stay on track for graduation by reviewing your degree requirements. I also indemnify and save harmless Wilfrid Laurier University and Department of Athletics and Recreation from any and all actions, causes of actions, demands, expenses or losses whatsoever which they may bear as a result of my participation in such activities, by reason of damage to any and all property and any and all personal injuries, including death of others or myself. The people I have met over my years at Laurier will always have a special place in my heart.". The search for Laurier's new Director of Athletics and Recreation will begin shortly. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Registration: Closes Thursday, January 12th at 12:00pm Team Captain Meeting: Friday, January 13th, virtual Location: AC Gym Times: Monday, 7:00pm - 1:00am OR Wednesday, 8:00pm - 1:00am Roster Requirements: Minimum of 6 people. Check In 12:00pm-1:30pm. It is expected that student-athletes respect all spaces and adhere to their user guidelines and policies. What's the difference between varsity and club sports? The Athletics portfolio has grown to overseeing multiple campuses that amass a student population exceeding 20,000. Squash courts must be reserved in advance. Read the Ellucian privacy notice for more on cookies and analytics Ellucian Privacy Notice. Faculty and Staff Memberships. Please be aware that every effort will be made to play all scheduled games, but in the event of unforeseen disaster or continuous inclement weather making rescheduling games impossible NO REFUNDS will be issued. appropriate for the team you wish to register. In consideration of approval to participate in such activity, I and any personal representative, hold harmless, release and forever discharge Wilfrid Laurier University and Department of Athletics and Recreation, their directors, officers, faculty, staff, students, volunteers, agents, trainees, or employees from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims, and demands for damages, loss or injury, resulting from or arising out of my participation in such activities. Saturday September 17, 2022. Peter Baxter, Wilfrid Laurier University's director: athletics and recreation, has announced his plans to retire in April 2022. In addition to his work at Laurier, Baxter was president of Ontario University Athletics (OUA) and vice-president of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (currently named USports). There are no gender requirements. obtain a replacement OneCard through the OneCard office. . 2023U7-U14 SelectNationalDivision Baseball, National Division-HighlyCompetitive(6team Limit ineach age level), U7thru U11 will be allowed 3 blackout dates, U7 Baseball Pitching Machine: May 2015-April 2016 Games Scheduled Any Night Monday thru Friday League registration will reopen in the coming weeks once confirmation on reopening is received. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. To pay your Athlete Registration Fee, please visit our online SHOP. They will NOT pay any fees. Athletic Complex. Extramural activity takes place in numerous facility spaces. Club Sports are student lead clubs that, with some department support, operate teams that compete at varying levels of competition or operate recreational sport opportunities for WLU students. A valid Laurier OneCard serves as an Athletics and Recreation membership for all full and part-time registered students. Learn More About Ad Blockers Close Peter Baxter, Wilfrid Laurier University's director: athletics and recreation, has announced his plans to retire in April 2022. We offer Select Softball for 12u age level. Laurier Brantford Golden Hawks host one tournament for each Extramural team per year. You must be logged in to view Registration History information. We offer Select Softball for 14u age level. They would go to Registration tab, click individual registration, then2023 Team Softball 10u-HS (16u & 18u) Select Individual Registration. These tournaments are full-day events hosted off-site by other OCR institutions. This includes but is not limited to maintaining records, contacting you, and others on your behalf, and releasing such information as is appropriate for the operation of the university. He also served for 16 years as the OUA Football convenor and served as chair of the Football Rules Committee for Football Canada. Rain outs will be rescheduled (weather permitting). Intramurals Student memberships are available for purchase. They must upload child's birth certificate. Changerooms will be assigned upon arrival and can be viewed on their changeroom board. If you are on a Waterloo team you will be part of the OUA. This facility is owned in partnership with Laurier Brantford Athletics and Brantford YMCA. All teams must register with USSSA. Baseball and softball organization located in Affton, MO (suburb of St. Louis, MO) committed to the social, athletic, and mental development of the youth of the community. View Products GROUP TRAINING Small group training lead by our team of knowledgeable Personal Trainers. We offer Select Softball for 14u age level. Shop - Login - Shop - Login Login or create an account for access to the following: Online Shopping Scores on Demand Squash Court & Studio 3 Bookings Intramural Team Registration COVID-19 Facility Reservations Login Account Management New customers can create an account here. Transportation will be provided to/from each tournament and all student-athletes are expected to bepartake in the provided transportation unless otherwise confirmed with the Rec Program Student Leader. McKendree. One card is required for access through theMembership Services desk. Purchase your varsity event tickets online at Buy Tickets PERSONAL TRAINING Our Personal Trainers are passionate about your wellness. instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Office Location: SB102 (Schlegel building), E: All WLIC students who have paid their student fees and. They would go to Registration tab, click Individual Registration them go to2023 Team Baseball U7-U14 Select Individual Registration. Rain outs will be rescheduled (weather permitting). Registration is required so we can send your receipt and notify you of any changes to your events. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. 4 levels of Sponorships are Available email Clay Keeney or Sue Culli if you are . Limit of 9teams Laurier Brantford Athletics & Recreation has a ZERO tolerance policy on the consumption of alcohol or drugsPRIOR TOorDURINGany scheduled sporting event or practice. I accept my responsibility to abide by the laws of the country, to ensure that I have adequate medical coverage, protect personal possessions, and obey all the rules set out for athletic and recreation activities. Coaches arehereto help organize the team and guidestudent-athletesin buildingtheirskill level. Questions may be directed to In order to obtain a towel from The Hawk Desk any student or member must have purchased this service and present theirOneCard/membership card. 12 Game schedule------No Playoffs-----Games begin Week of April 3, 2023, All League Fees must be paid in full by 2/01/2023. Staff & Faculty Register. This is a USSSA santioned League. 10u Softball-Birth years 2012& 2013Plays Monday Nights, 12 single games 1hour & 20 Minute time limit. With a OneCard membership students can access the following for no additional charge: Workout in the Fitness Centre. Here are the, 2023 u7-u14 Select National Division Baseball. Coaches List and Background checks are due at Manager Meeting. Full half or full lockers are available. I accept and assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, violence, property damage or loss, attendance and participation in activities provided by the Department of Athletics and Recreation. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. The official athletics and recreation website for Wilfrid Laurier University. They will NOT pay any fees. If you agree, the data we collect through these tools may be stored and processed in any country in which Ellucian or its sub-processors maintain facilities or personnel, including the United States. Lockers are subject to availability, to rent a locker contact or visit the Hawk Desk at the Athletic Complex. This service can be purchased as adaily or monthly membership. "Laurier's strength is its people and I have been fortunate to work with an exceptional team of staff, coaches, athletic therapists, and partner professionals across campuses, who are dedicated to supporting students in their quest to being the best they can be academically, athletically, and as community citizens. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. 8-30 characters; Contains at least one number . Please visit our Membership Services desk on the first floor for more details. Manager Name. We do not provide membership extensions or holds. Such risks may include, but are not restricted to slips, Winters, physical contact with other people, equipment or facilities, later accidents or abnormal climatic conditions. Age level OCR-sanctionedRecSeriestournaments will be held throughout the year for all Extramural teams. CurrentFall 2021 Conetsoga studentswill not have access to the LBYMCA facility under the Laurier student agreement. Always remember that #WeAreHAWKS. / What does the access include? All Individual Players must be registered. Email Email. Refer to steps one to four for further information relating to: E: Login or create an account for access to the following: This information is collected under the authority of the Wilfrid Laurier University Act to administer the customer relationship including keeping you informed of our programs and services. Extramural teams are recreational teams but they are still quite competitive. Cost $1500 per team. To pay your Athlete Registration Fee, please visit our online SHOP, Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource: Rowan's Law. Attendance at all Extramural tournaments are expected of all student-athletes. Did you know that there is a drop box located in the front of the Professional Registration building? Refer to steps one to four for further information relating to: Step 1: Program Requirements Step 2: Choose Electives Step 3: Build Your Timetable Step 4: Register for Courses Contact Us: Waterloo Campus E: This registration guide has been created to assist you with your next steps as a Laurier student. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. His leadership was felt at the OUA, at USport and across the region," said Joseph. Information they need to have: "I want to thank Wilfrid Laurier University for the opportunity to lead the department and achieve my career goals at a university that understands that Athletics and Recreation is integrally connected to the educational mission of the university," said Baxter. All Extramural participation isapproved on the Laurier Experience Record. Age level Forrest Park Golf Course $125 per person (includes Golf, Lunch & Dinner) 6141 Lagoon Dr. St. Louis, MO 63112 $500 per Team of 4 Golfers. "Peter's tireless work ethic helped raise the profile of Laurier across the country through his commitment to excellence with the Golden Hawk brand. "We wish him all the best on his well-deserved retirement and look forward to celebrating his accomplishments as soon as it is safe to do so.". U13Baseball League: May 2009 April 2010Games Scheduled Wednesdays No Blackout Dates Register as Laurier Students, Staff & Faculty . U14Baseball League: May 2008 April 2009Games Scheduled Tuesdays No Blackout Dates, $1900per Team $250 League Depositmust be paid when registeringor spot will not be held. Overall: there is ZERO tolerance for any form of harassment, discrimination or abusive behaviour. To accommodate for the changes in growth, Baxter implemented a student leadership model which annually provides over 300 experiential learning opportunities for Laurier students passionate about recreation, intramural and interuniversity programs, facilities, marketing, communications, sports medicine and event operations. Any information we receive from you will be kept private. If lockers are not cleared out, they will be cleared by a staff member. 2013-2022 Ellucian Company L.P. and its affiliates. Get started by clicking the title of the program that's For additional guidance, please see Laurier's Course Registration playliston YouTube. Members can rent squash equipment at the Hawk Desk. With aOneCardmembership members canaccess the following for no additional charge: Members have access to towels, lockers, locks and squash equipment at an additional rental fee. Intramurals How do you register for intramurals? Registration opens at the start of each semester. Any information we receive from you will be kept private. I accept my responsibility to abide by the laws of the country, to ensure that I have adequate medical coverage, protect personal possessions, and obey all the rules set out for athletic and recreation activities. Laurier students get great deals on tickets to varsity games. Manager Name. Balance due Feb. 1, 2023, Play starts April 3, 2023 Shotgun Start at 1:30pm. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. You must be logged in to perform Pre-registration Activities. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. All locker memberships are activated the day they are purchased and expire after the allotted time of the membership. "He cares deeply about the university, and improved the athletic and recreation experience across both our campuses. This includes but is not limited to maintaining records, contacting you, and others on your behalf, and releasing such information as is appropriate for the operation of the university. U8 Baseball Pitching Machine: May 2014-April 2015 Games Scheduled Any Night Monday thru Friday All Individual Players must be registered by 2/20/23 Each parent must go to the website and register their child for your team. Alumniand faculty/staffmust present their alumnior staff IDin order to qualify for the applicable discount. and pool, access to open gym and much more! Facility bookings are assigned based on other programming and availability. Throughout his tenure he has been integral to the growth of many facets of Laurier's athletics & recreation program. Limit of 6 teams Postings for jobs usually go up in January. Please indicate whether we may use 3rd party analytics and non-essential cookies to improve your experience and our applications. Team Name "Peter's leadership over the last two decades at Laurier and across the OUA have helped create exceptional student experiences for all Golden Hawks," said Ivan Joseph, vice president: student affairs. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Lockers must be cleared out by the end of the rental term, as listed in the rental agreement. Towel Service can be purchased at the Athletic Complex Hawk Desk. How do you register for intramurals? The student-athlete development model was the first of its kind in Canada. Saturday, February 4, 2023 Sat, Feb 4, 23. Participants are expected to read the Assumption of Risk below: I realize that participation in athletic and fitness endeavors entails the risk of personal injury. Laurier Athletics mourns former dean of students Fred Nichols, Registration open for varsity tryout dates, U SPORTS Announces Partnership with BlackNorth Initiative, Launch of Athletes on Track, Athletic Therapist Jen Childs heading to Rio with National Trampoline Team, KP Anand stepping down as Associate Director of Business Development and Operations. We offer Select Softball for 12u age level. I accept and assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, violence, property damage or loss, attendance and participation in activities provided by the Department of Athletics and Recreation. Team Name Baxter's passion for student development has also influenced Laurier's approach to developing Golden Hawk varsity athletes through the student-athlete development model focusing on the three pillars of excellence: Academics, Athletics, and Community Service. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. This is an amazing way to come out and support your Golden Hawks on their own home ground! Any student that is affliatedwith Laurier Brantford's Campus willhave a Laurier Brantford YMCA (LBYMCA) membership. He was selected to serve as Chef de Mission for Team Canada at two World University Games: 2009 Harbin China (Winter) and 2011 in Shenzhen, China (Summer). By selecting Accept and continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies. No Concession duty Laurier Recreation - Waterloo Campus - Official Athletics Website Privacy Policy Ad Blocker Detected Thanks for visiting! All teams must register withUSSSA. No bags and shoes on thegymnasiumcourt floors. The dates get posted on, You are required to have your own transportation to and from the Waterloo campus for team practices, games or other team commitments. Your membership will include access to the fitness centre, drop-in gymnasium times, fitness classes, AquaFit, pool or lane swim, changerooms and LBYMCA programs like adult swim lessons. Baxter has served as Laurier's director of athletics and recreation for more than 23 years. All must be placed in a locker. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource: Rowan's Law All Laurier students who have paid their student fees and, will have access to the LBYMCA facility. During his time as director, 45 (of 75 total) Ontario University Athletics (OUA) championships and 10 (of 14 total) national USports championships have been won by Golden Hawk teams. Concussion education, awareness and management is extremely important in the world of sports and recreation. $250 deposit due when registering. Box 1335 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335 573.751.0243 Telephone 573.751.5649 Fax 800.735.2966 TTY 800.735.2466 Voice Relay Winter Program Registration opens Nov. 30, 3x3 Basketball tournament open for registration, Laurier Recreation & Students Union hosting Reading Week Rally volleyball tournament, Intramural registration extended for select leagues. I accept full responsibility for my level of participation and use of equipment by exercising my judgment, based on my own experience and competence. No Concession Work Duty. Please review the following documents and resources that are available to you: Find more information on how to join or options for day passes here. We will not sell, rent or trade your information with anyone outside Wilfrid Laurier University. Be sure to have your OneCard ready for registration. You must be logged in to Search and Plan. Such risks may include, but are not restricted to slips, Winters, physical contact with other people, equipment or facilities, later accidents or abnormal climatic conditions.