Any Karate expression can be used in the cell expression, and you can even use Java-interop to use external data-sources such as a database. request can have the 'Authorization' header set in a way that the server expects. A common use case is to mix API-calls into a larger test-suite, for example a Selenium or WebDriver UI test. Typical symptoms are your tests working fine via the IDE but not when running via Maven or Gradle. Note how we unpack the kittens and use it to data drive the Scenario Outline. Do note that when passing JSON, the default Map and List representations should suffice for most needs (see example), and using them would avoid un-necessary string-conversion. If you dont want to use Java, you have the option of just downloading and extracting the ZIP release. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd'); The approach in this section is more suited for troubleshooting in dev-mode, using your IDE. You should take a minute to compare this with the exact same example implemented in REST-assured and TestNG. If you want to use JUnit 4, use the karate-junit4 Maven dependency instead of karate-junit5 . One nice thing about the design of the Gherkin syntax is that script-steps are treated the same no matter whether they start with the keyword Given, And, When or Then. input: { Herea table of the alternative in-line forms compared with the standard form. And as a testing framework, Karate discourages tests that give different results on every run. Any valid XPath expression is allowed on the left-hand-side of a match statement. Do look at the documentation and example for configure headers also as it goes hand-in-hand with call. This is best explained in this example that involves listening to an ActiveMQ / JMS queue. 'test1.feature', * def result = responseStatus == 404 ? But you can prefix the name with classpath: in which case the root folder would be src/test/java (assuming you are using the recommended folder structure). This means that even when you have dynamic server-side generated values such as UUID-s and time-stamps appearing in the response, you can still assert that the full-payload matched in one step. For example, see the sayHelloFactory() method below: And now, to get a reference to that function you can do this: This can be convenient when using shared scope because you can just call sayHello('myname') where needed. Scenario: creating a repo and verifying the response * path '/user/repos' #Change the repo_name . Just like yaml, you may occasionally need to convert a string which happens to be in CSV form into JSON, and this can be done via the csv keyword. And with Karate expressions, you can dive into JavaScript without needing to define a function - and conditional logic is a good example. And includes a set of Karate examples that test these services as well as demonstrate various Karate features and best-practices. REST API request testing. How to pass data from one feature file to another in karate? In rare cases you may want to use a csv-file as-is and not auto-convert it to JSON. Cuda Memory CheckPerhaps the easiest way to check a file Run cat /usr Ideally you should return only pure JSON data (or a primitive string, number etc.). Open the command prompt and change the directory to the project location where pom.xml is present. in just one extra line you can save the value of karate.prevRequest and pass it around. If you want to dynamically and programmatically determine the tags and features to be included - the API also accepts. A JavaScript function or Karate expression at runtime has access to a utility object in a variable named: karate. Step 3: Add steps to run a sample GET API request. Karate | Test Automation Made Simple. The call keyword provides an alternate way of calling JavaScript functions that have only one argument. It is important to note that myFile above is the field name within the multipart/form-data request payload. For convenience, non-existent keys (or array elements) will be created automatically. Karate report & karate log to have scenario name with test data. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Since replace auto-converts the result to a string, make sure you perform type conversion back to JSON (or XML) if applicable. For a proxy that requires authentication, set the, The charset that will be sent in the request, HTTP requests and responses (including headers) will appear in the HTML report, default. If you are looking for ways to do something only once per feature or across all your tests, see Hooks. If you want to keep the level as DEBUG (for HTML reports) but suppress logging to the console, you can comment out the STDOUT root appender-ref: Or another option is to use a ThresholdFilter, so you still see critical logs on the console: If you want to exclude the logs from your CI/CD pipeline but keep them in the execution of your users in their locals you can configure your logback using Janino. How to check service status in karate DSL? a JSON array). But in that case you should de-dupe them using a name: And since it is common to run a @setup Scenario only once per-feature you can call karate.setupOnce(). For JSON and XML files, Karate will evaluate any embedded expressions on load. Make sure you configure your source code management system (e.g. karate.appendTo(vals, y); Karate Demo. But we recommend that you do this only if you are sure that these routines are needed in almost all *.feature files. You end up with a decent approximation of BDD even though web-services by nature are headless, without a UI, and not really human-friendly. Conditional logic is not recommended especially within test scripts because tests should be deterministic. @smoke @module=one @module=two etc. Each array element is expected to be a JSON object, and for each object - the behavior will be as described above. Another example for a popular Maven reporting plugin that is compatible with Karate JSON is Cluecumber. 1. Note that if you did not need to inject Examples: into placeholders enclosed within < and >, reading from a file with the extension *.txt may have been sufficient. This is best explained via, returns the size of the map-like or list-like object. Anyway, there are times when you may want to force integers (perhaps for cosmetic reasons) and you can easily do so using the double-tilde short-cut: ~~. Also see type conversion. Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor". Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. The structure should be a def keyword followed by a variable name and a value. See this other example for more ideas: dsl.feature. """, """ This is useful when you want to express a one-off lengthy snippet of text in-line, without having to split it out into a separate file. Since asserting against header values in the response is a common task - match header has a special meaning. Karate can read *.csv files and will auto-convert them to JSON. To do that, add the following: And then the above command in Gradle would look like: The recommended way to define and run test-suites and reporting in Karate is to use the parallel runner, described in the next section. #karate #junit5This video explain how you can call one scenario from another scenario from the same features files as well as from another feature file #12 - Test Runner in Karate Junit5 || Run Feature Files from Maven name: John Note that for. """, * configure imageComparison = { onShowConfig, # don't embed the image comparison UI when the latest image is the same / similar to the baseline (e.g. Expect to spend $20 to $45 per square foot for a custom job. Run the tests from Command Line. Use it sparingly, and only for string, number or simple payload comparisons. Is there a way to run a single scenario defined into a feature? Modifying existing JSON and XML is natively supported by Karate via the set keyword, and replace is primarily intended for dealing with raw strings. You can optionally pass in variable values or over-ride config via a HashMap or leave the second-last argument as null. This example uses contains and the #? Karate Run option on individual scenario does not work for VSCode You can imagine how you could evolve a nice set of utilities that validate all your domain objects. # using a static method - observe how java interop is truly seamless ! We just need to follow the Karate DSL syntax. 'put', # if you have dynamic keys you can do this, # enable ssl (and no certificate is required), # enable ssl and force the algorithm to TLSv1.2, # time-out if the response is not received within 10 seconds (after the connection is established), # set the uri of the http proxy server to use,, # if this was in karate-config.js, it would apply "globally", # enable X509 certificate authentication with PKCS12 file 'certstore.pfx' and password 'certpassword', # trust all server certificates, in the feature file, // trust all server certificates, global configuration in 'karate-config.js', # add new keys. The following parameters are supported: For end-to-end examples in the Karate demos, look at the files in this folder. The Maven tradition is to have non-Java source files in a separate src/test/resources folder structure - but we recommend that you keep them side-by-side with your *.java files. A working example of calling a SOAP service can be found within the Karate project test-suite. It is worth mentioning that to do the equivalent of the last line in Java, you would typically have to traverse 2 Java Objects, one of which is within a list, and you would have to check for nulls as well. Karate UI | Karate If you find yourself needing a complex helper or utility function, we strongly recommend that you use Java because it is much easier to maintain and even debug if needed. Normally an undefined variable results in nasty JavaScript errors. Note that the Content-Type header will be automatically set to: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Unlike other BDD frameworks like Cucumber, Specflow or JBehave, Karate has all the step definitions written for us so we dont have to worry about writing them. Here is a recap of symbols that can be used in JSON embedded expressions: There is a shortcut for match each explained in the next section that can be quite useful, especially for in-line schema-like validations. For example a lot of Java projects directly (or indirectly) depend on Netty or Thymeleaf or ANTLR, etc. Although all properties in the passed JSON-like argument are unpacked into the current scope as separate named variables, it sometimes makes sense to access the whole argument and this can be done via __arg. The recommended approach for Karate reporting in a Continuous Integration set-up is described in the next section which can generate the JUnit XML format that most CI tools can consume. How do you pass special characters in karate URL? JavaScript Functions are also native. But one pattern that you should be aware of is that JSON is actually a great data-structure for looking up data. If you are familiar with Cucumber (JVM), you may be wondering if you need to write step-definitions. The specific value here varies from request to request, so check the response value using Fuzzy Matching provided by Karate. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. auth tokens) only once for all of your tests. Karate has the following short-cut symbols designed to be mixed into embedded expressions: For completeness, == and != also belong in the above list. Also note how the Background will run 4 times (twice per Scenario). How do you find the longest decreasing subsequence of a sequence? sleep time in milliseconds, relevant only for. So if you return complex objects such as a custom Java instance or a JS function that depends on complex objects, this may cause issues when you run in parallel. If you dont pass a handler (or it is null), the first message is returned. This will give you the usual HTML report showing what features will be run, including all steps shown (including comments) so that it can be reviewed. Only one JSON argument is allowed, but this does not limit you in any way as you can use any complex JSON structure. You can feed an Examples table from a custom data-source, which is great for those situations where the table-content is dynamically resolved at run-time. And the JSON will still be well-formed, and editable in your IDE or text-editor. The answer is no. Set its name to "Karate tests". Custom header manipulation for every HTTP request is something that Karate makes very easy and pluggable. While this sounds dangerous and should be used with care (and limits readability), the reason this feature exists is to quickly set (or over-write) a bunch of config variables when needed. # but karate allows you to traverse xml like json !! There is only one thing you need to do to switch the environment - which is to set a Java system property. Managing multiple environment configurations in React App - Opcito EDIT: Karate now supports being able to use a line-number, for e.g. This means that as long as the token on file is valid, you can save time by not having to make the one or two HTTP calls needed to sign-in or create throw-away users in your SSO store. For example: You can reset default settings by using the following short-cut: Since you can use configure any time within a test, you have control over which requests or steps you want to show / hide. So if you have a Feature with multiple Scenario-s in it - they will execute in parallel, and even each Examples row in a Scenario Outline will do so ! Only recommended for advanced users, but this guarantees a routine is run only once, even when running tests in parallel. The above example does not use shared scope, which means that the variables in the calling (parent) feature are not shared by the called my-signin.feature. But if you really need to use the HTTP response code in an expression or save it for later, you can get it as an integer: Note that match can give you some extra readable options: The response time (in milliseconds) for the current response would be available in a variable called responseTime. But this does not limit you in any way, because similar to how you can call *.feature files, you can pass a whole JSON object as the argument. The not equals operator != works as you would expect: You typically will never need to use the != (not-equals) operator ! Note how triple-quotes (""") are used to enclose content. In rare cases you may want to suppress the default of Scenario-s executing in parallel and the special tag @parallel=false can be used. # but using karate.range() you can even do this ! Keep in mind that you should be able to comment-out a Scenario or skip some via tags without impacting any others. Look at multipart entity for an example. Karate was based on Cucumber-JVM until version 0.8.0 but the parser and engine were re-written from scratch in 0.9.0 onwards. The Hello World is a great example of REST-ful use of the url when the test focuses on a single REST resource. Karate provides an elegant native-like experience for placeholder substitution within strings or text content. ] Because of the last rule above, note that string-concatenation may not work quite the way you expect: Observe how you can achieve string concatenation if you really want, because any valid JavaScript expression can be stuffed within an embedded expression. Heres a reminder that the #notpresent marker can be mixed into an equality match (==) to assert that some keys exist and at the same time ensure that some keys do not exist: The ! In This video explained how to call one feature file from another feature file by using the call and read functions. Something worth mentioning here is that you would hardly need to use assert in your test scripts. and & will be automatically inserted. It is worth pointing out that JSON is a first class citizen of the syntax such that you can express payload and expected data without having to use double-quotes and without having to enclose JSON field names in quotes. The default is 30000 (30 seconds). You can if you want to, but since only JsonPath (on variables) is allowed here, Karate ignores the $ and looks only at the variable name. First the JavaScript file, basic-auth.js: And heres how it works in a test-script using the header keyword. It typically ends up being a one-liner that appears in the Background section at the start of your test-scripts. But the recommended way is to use the karateEnv(name, value) or systemProperty(name, value) API on the parallel-runner. This is a sample Spring Boot web-application that exposes some functionality as web-service end-points. If you use the above config, logs will be captured in target/karate.log. Paste the raw json in it and Save it. A header row is always expected. Karate API Test Script. The responseCookies variable is set upon any HTTP response and is a map-like (or JSON-like) object. For example, here below is an actual report generated by the cucumber-reporting open-source library. If you have to set a bunch of deeply nested keys, you can move the parent path to the top, next to the set keyword and save a lot of typing ! This is especially useful when capturing screenshots during tests and comparing against baseline images that are known to be correct. ] That said, the syntax is very concise, and the convention of every step having to start with either Given, And, When or Then, makes things very readable. How to call one scenario from another scenario in Karate API Automation A very useful capability is to be able to check that an array contains an object that contains the provided sub-set of keys instead of having to specify the complete JSON - which can get really cumbersome for large objects. In these 13 y ears, the club has grown to be one of the larger karate clubs in Singapore, with 11 dojos islandwide currently, promoting sport karate in this nation. # and yes, you can assert against nested objects within JSON arrays ! In fact Gherkin supports the catch-all symbol * - instead of forcing you to use Given, When or Then. Run Test Cases In Parallel & Generate Reports Using Karate Tool return 'this text will be displayed above the image comparison config\n' + customConfigJson predicate marker to validate that the value of totalPrice is always equal to the roomPrice of the first item in the roomInformation array. See this for an example. some.feature:42 so it will invoke only the Scenario or outline Example on line 42 - this is designed only for IDE-s and developer mode, use a tag for maintainability. { Here is an example of using the call keyword to invoke another feature file, loaded using the read function: If you find this hard to understand at first, try looking at this set of examples. REST API Testing with Karate | Baeldung Karate creates a new context for the feature file being invoked but passes along all variables and configuration. And a very common need would be to use a file as the request body: The rarely used file: prefix is also supported. """, * configure imageComparison = { onShowRebase, # custom JS function called in Karate HTML image comparison UI when the user clicks the `Show config` button, """ Since Karate uses Gherkin, you can also employ data-driven techniques such as expressing data-tables in test scripts. Passing data from one feature file to another is very common requirement when it comes to automation. Until now, I have shown you run your test cases directly on feature files. Before we get to the HTTP keywords, it is worth doing a recap of the various shapes that the right-hand-side of an assignment statement can take: They are url, path, request, method and status. Singapore, city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, about 85 miles (137 kilometres) north of the Equator. For every HTTP request made from Karate, the internal flow is as follows: This makes setting up of complex authentication schemes for your test-flows really easy. Allowed keystore types are as described in the. If a few steps in your flow need to temporarily change (or completely bypass) the currently-set header-manipulation scheme, just update configure headers to a new value (or set it to null) in the middle of a script. "arr": [ You can always directly access the variable called responseHeaders if you wanted to do more checks, but you typically wont need to. If you want to pretty print a JSON or XML value with indenting, refer to the documentation of the print keyword. """, # yaml from a file (the extension matters), and the data-type of 'bar' would be JSON, """ Here is an example which also demonstrates how you could assert for expected values in the response XML. But this totally makes sense for things not part of the main test flow and which typically need to be re-usable anyway. This is great for testing boundary conditions against a single end-point, with the added bonus that your test becomes even more readable. Note that karate.signal() (described as part of the listen keyword) will be called internally and the listenResult will be the payload contents of the selected message. Typically you would examine the value property as in the example above, but domain and path are also available. Karate provides its own DSL (Domain Specific Language), which uses a Gherkin-like language enabling one to write tests without programming knowledge, and write tests in .feature files. Although rarely needed, variable references or expressions are also supported: This is a shortcut to assert the HTTP response code. Tag starts with "@". The name of the SOAP action specified is used as the SOAPAction header. You should see the Karate: Run | Karate: Debug code lense on top of the feature and every scenario. But to be able to run JUnit 5 tests from the command-line, you need to ensure that the latest version of the maven-surefire-plugin is present in your project pom.xml (within the / section): To run a single test method, for example the testTags() in the example above, you can do this: Also look at how to run tests via the command-line and the parallel runner. You can always use a JavaScript function or call Java for more complex logic. Open a feature file after you have installed the plug-in. 2 When using call (or callonce), only one argument is allowed. Install Karate VS Code Plugin. In other words, { a: 1, b: null } is considered equal to { a: 1 } and { a: 1, b: '##null' } will match both cases. Empty cells or expressions that evaluate to null will result in the key being omitted from the JSON. Important: If you attempt to build a URL in the form ?myparam=value by using path the ? In the example below, note the use of the karate.get() helper for getting the value of a dynamic variable (which was not set at the time this JS function was declared). Especially when payloads are complex (or highly dynamic), it may be more practical to use contains semantics. Create the Step Definition class or Glue Code for the Test Scenario. If you are trying to build dynamic URLs including query-string parameters in the form: http://myhost/some/path?foo=bar&search=true - please refer to the param keyword. Linux: Ctrl+Shift+R+1. Theres a lot going on in the last line above !